It’s a very strange time to be launching a new book… especially one set on a cruise ship!

But here she is: AUDREY ORR AND THE ROBOT RAGE, my new Middle Grade comedy adventure, out now with Maverick Publishing.

Cover Illustrations by Ipek Konak

What’s that? You want to read the back and find out what it’s all about? Of course!

And yes, in case you’re wondering, I had to put in a lot of tricky research for this one, with my very own cruise to Norway. (Now THAT’S commitment for you!) AND I knitted myself a pink Viking helmet, just like the one Audrey’s grandad knits her, especially for the occasion!

AUDREY ORR AND THE ROBOT RAGE was selected for this year’s Reading Agency Summer Reading Challenge. (Target age range: 7-12).

It’s available to purchase through all online book retailers, including Hive:…/Audrey-Orr-and-the-Robot-…/24757510